Telecare Self-Check Online Tool

Privacy and cookies policy


Telecare Self-Check Online Tool has been developed in association with NHS 24, Scottish Government, NHS inform and local telecare services.

The tool is owned and operated by NHS 24 on behalf of NHS Scotland and the Scottish Government.

NHS 24 are committed to ensuring privacy is protected and that users can be assured that any data will only be used in accordance with the privacy requirements outlined in this policy.

This policy outlines:

  • what data we collect about you when you access this website
  • how we collect this data
  • how we store this data securely
  • who we share it with
  • how you can access it


This policy is compliant with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA), and we’re committed to compliance procedures that demonstrate this.

Some helpful information about our Privacy and Cookie Policy…

Data Collection

Data collection

The types of data we collect will depend on how you access and interact with this website.  Information collected will normally include cookies (see below).

This site can be used without any collection, storage or dealing with personal and sensitive data, as classified under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA).  This site has an optional feedback form that requests personal information that is sent securely to NHS 24 and processed according to DPA.

What’s a cookie?

A cookie is a small amount of data placed on your computer or mobile phone by a website.

Cookies can be:

  • persistent – meaning they’re stored by your web browser and will remain valid until a set expiry date
  • session – meaning they’ll expire when your web browser is closed.

What we collect

When you visit this site, we’ll collect information about:

  • your computer
  • your visits
  • how you use this website.

Our cookies don’t collect or store any information that personally identifies you.

Blocking or deleting cookies

Blocking or deleting cookies may have a negative impact on how you use this website and could prevent some of the features from working.

Find out how to delete cookies

Storing and sharing your Data

Storing and sharing your data

This site does not store any personal or sensitive data.  If used, the feedback form requests personal details which are then sent securely to NHS 24 and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). No third parties will have access to it.

Loss and misuse of data

We take reasonable technical and organisational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of any data submitted by you to NHS 24 using the feedback form.  Other than this, no other information is stored and therefore is at risk of loss or misuse.

Data protection and security

For the purposes of the DPA, NHS 24 are data controllers for personal data collected through the feedback form, collected and stored outside of the Telecare Self-Check Online Tool.

Data security

As the Telecare Self-Check Online Tool does not store any personal or sensitive data, there is no threat to data security.

Sharing your data

Any data we collected through the feedback form will only be shared for the purpose of:

  • investigating and responding to enquiries
  • monitoring the performance of the service
Accessing your Data

Accessing your data

This site does not collect or store your personal data.  If you used the feedback form, you’ve a right to know what data we collect about you, and to:

  • access or modify it
  • request that we delete this data at any time

You can request this by contacting our content team.